True Service


Bowl Food Experience

Our bowl food menus offer a selection of mini meals beautifully presented in small, stylish bowls. The bowl food menus offer a substantial food choice where space may be limited or at a party when your guests may arrive throughout the evening. They are easy to eat and deliciously trendy.


Network & Connect

The goal, of course, is networking, its to find one or more people with whom you'd like to spend more time with as friends or on an actual date. Participants can exchange names and contact information during or after the two to four minutes so that they can connect with the people who appealed to them following the sessions.


In Jamaican popular culture. The sound system culture is what brought people from all corners and communities together to experience and enjoy; to feel the vibrations and sounds of beautiful music that pass through your body, transporting you back to a time when gatherings were pure and rooted in love and togetherness… We are returning that back to South London, Brixton the once mecca to the Caribbean diaspora.